[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Ha-Ha! tour 2024-2025 by ONDO (2024.11.16 Sat - 12.1 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Ha-Ha! tour 2024-2025 by ONDO (2024.11.16 Sat - 12.1 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Ha-Ha! tour 2024-2025 by ONDO (2024.11.16 Sat - 12.1 Sun)



The Lives of Documents - Photography as Project

自然や建築について議論するために、写真家はどのように写真を選び、並べ、展示するのだろうか。「The Lives of Documents - Photography as Project」は、建築における写真の現代的な役割を検証するカナダ建築センター(CCA)の長期プロジェクトの一環として企画された展覧会であり、写真に組み込まれたドキュメンテーションの考え方について考察を促す作品集。アーティストがリサーチツールとして写真をどのように使っているのか、また、彼らが探究するプロジェクトをどのように捉えているのかを、豊富な図版とインタビュー、論評で記録しています。表紙は潮田登久子。収録作家にホンマタカシ、ジェフ・ウォール、トーマス・シュトゥルート、ソル・ルウィット、ロニ・ホーン、ダン・グラハム、畠山直哉、ミヒャエル・シュミット、アリ・マルコポロスなど。

How do photographers select, order, and display their images to make visual arguments about built and natural environments? Conceived as part of a long-term project at the CCA to examine the contemporary role of photography in the study and practice of architecture, The Lives of Documents — Photography as Project prompts reflections on the idea of the documentary as an embedded quality of photography. Tracing the research materials, archiving practices, and production processes of diverse authors, photographers Bas Princen and Stefano Graziani highlight a selection of photographic projects that model our visible world by investigating notions of landscape and its destruction, global infrastructure, intimacy and interiority, and conditions of urban and domestic space and life.

This publication follows Princen and Graziani’s travels to understand how artists use photography as a tool for their artistic research and how they conceive of their projects as evolving and expanding explorations. Bringing together studio visit images, artist interviews, and Princen and Graziani’s own reproduction of photographic projects, it emphasizes how photography reveals and expresses lived and built realities in ways that traditional architectural tools fail to represent or communicate.

With contributions from Stefano Boeri, Guido Guidi, Naoya Hatakeyama, Takashi Homma, Roni Horn, Annette Kelm, Gert Jan Kocken, Aglaia Konrad, Susanne Kriemann, Armin Linke, Ari Marcopoulos, Richard Misrach, Marianne Mueller, Phyllis Lambert, Tokuko Ushioda, and Jeff Wall

Editors: Stefano Graziani and Bas Princen
Graphic design: Ponik Peeters

Pages: 320
Size: 240 x 310 mm

Published by CCA and Walther Koenig, 2024