デザイナーたちにとっての、とっておきのアートブックをたずねるアンケート・ブック「The Book Chooses」。国内・外のグラフィックデザイナーおよびブックデザイナーに対してアンケートを実施し、それぞれのデザイナーによるスペシャルな一冊について、みなさん自身の言葉でその本についての描写を依頼しました。デザイナーたちは本のどこを見ているのか、どんな風に本を読んでいるのか、その深いまなざしについて言及をする一冊です。 ただし本書のなかで、彼らが選んだ本のタイトルは明かしません。つまり読み手からすれば、タイトルの知り得ない本について語られ、それを読み解いていくことになります。しかしそうすることで、読者はそれぞれに空想の1冊を、ともすれば実際のそれよりも「おもしろそうな」一冊を(頭のなかで)つくって楽しむことができるかもしれません。
A survey book “The Book Bhooses”, which invites designers to describe their most beloved art books. Here, we will enclose the questionnaires answered by Japanese and international graphic designers/book designers. We conducted a survey of national and international graphic and book designers and asked them to answer, in their own words, a special book.
What parts of books do the designers look at? How do they read the books? However, we will not reveal the title of the chosen publication. Thus the readers are handed out a book without a title, and will have to figure out the book by supplementing the information they are given with imagination. In such a way, the readers can enjoy creating one book of their inspiration within their mind, which perhaps could be even more interesting than the original itself.
This book started with one simple question we, Ao-Hata Bookstore, often receive by our customers: “How do you choose the book you buy, and how should they be read?”. By introducing “How” we read instead of “What” we read, we hope to deliver a sense of the density the artbooks hold within themselves. It will be a bilingual publication with Japanese and English.