[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: ハロー!そして…グッドバイ!Hello! and... Good bye!|藤田裕美 (2025.1.17 Fri - 2.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: ハロー!そして…グッドバイ!Hello! and... Good bye!|藤田裕美 (2025.1.17 Fri - 2.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: ハロー!そして…グッドバイ!Hello! and... Good bye!|藤田裕美 (2025.1.17 Fri - 2.3 Mon)


Sold out

Loose Joints

SOMEWHERE 2017-2023 / Sam Youkilis

ニューヨークとイタリアを拠点として活動するフォトグラファーであり映像作家、サム・ユーキリス(Sam Youkilis)の作品集。即座に、そして惜しみなく日常生活をインデックスすることで、空間と時間を超えて、この528ページにわたる人間の体験のタイポロジーをまとめた初モノグラフは届くであろう。




Sam Youkilis's immediate and generous indexing of everyday life reaches across space and time in his debut monograph – a 528-page typology of human experience.

Sam Youkilis has been building a continuous archive of photographic works through his phone for the last six years. Working instinctively, Youkilis's short, immersive videos gather universal themes of human experience, using the casual language of the cameraphone to evoke something profound, anthropological, comprehensive and yet incomplete. Youkilis’s work springs from an attitude, a way of experiencing the world, that contains depth beyond the offhand ease in which his images freely circulate.

In Youkilis’s first publication, the depth of this engagement with human patterns of behaviour is archived and scattered across a diverse range of themes, divided into chapters that playfully tease the tensions between categorisation and chance that inform his observational works. Made exclusively of video stills, Somewhere scours Youkilis’s database for images of everything from the time of day–7:07AM, 12:33PM—to unmade beds, the act of cutting, thresholds, dancing couples and gestures of romance.

Presented as a dense 500-page sequence, Somewhere activates the archive and the typology as a source of human joy and communion while emboldening his subjects and unlocking the deep essence of different places worldwide. Youkilis embraces the real by engaging with both ephemerality and sincerity, while steeped in reverence for the photographic medium through a meticulous engagement with composition, colour, chiaroscuro and framing.

Pages: 528
Size: 105 x 162 mm

first edition

published by Loose Joints, 2023
