[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)


Sold out

torch press

Handle with Care / Soh Souen

福岡を拠点に活動する作家、ソー・ソウエンのこれまでの活動を横断的にまとめた初作品集『Handle with Care』が入荷しました。デザインは若林亜希子、版元はtorch pressより。ぜひご覧ください。

1995年生まれのソー・ソウエンは、私たちの生にまつわる事象を身体との関わり合いを通して考察する絵画、インスタレーションやパフォーマンスを国内外で発表しています。「できることなら、わたしたちの身体を、何かを傷つけるためではなくて、大切なものを壊さないために動かす方法が知りたい」。そういう思いのもと、ソウエンは近年勢力的に生命の象徴である生の卵を身体のくぼみに挟み、落とさないように動くパフォーマンスを行ってきました。パフォーマンスには、「生命の象徴である生の卵を身体のくぼみに挟み、落とさないように動くこと」というルールのもと、パフォーマー同士が「卵」を介しながら、自己と他者の繊細な関係性、大切なものを壊さないための身体の在り方を共同で模索する《The Egg》。そして単独で壁やガラス、植物などあらゆる人や物との間に卵を挟み、落とさないように過ごし続ける《Eggsercise》などがあります。

「生きていくごとに硬くなった〈わたし〉という殻を解きほぐしたい。(中略)卵に拘束されながら、小さな隔たりの中で動き合うとき、わたしたちは、大切なものを量り間違うことなく受け止めることができるだろうか」。 形の残らない刹那的なパフォーマンスに込めた思いを、本という形で詩的に表現するために、本書ではパフォーマンスの写真や動画のスチルをはじめ、インスタレーション、絵画作品やそれにまつわるメモやドローイングなどの作品同士が、緩やかにつながり呼応するように構成されています。イメージと言葉に導かれながら、根源的な問いに身体性を通して模索するソウエンの思考を辿る一冊となります。


── 塩田千春(美術家)

Soh Souen’s first book, “Handle with Care,” offers a cross-sectional insight into his artistic practice leading up to today. 

Born in 1995, Soh Souen examines aspects of our lives through its relationship to the body within his paintings, installations and performances he practices internationally. “If possible, I want to learn how to move our bodies, not to harn, but to avoid breaking what is precious.”  With such spirit in mind, Souen has proactively staged performances in the recent years, in which he lodges a raw egg, a symbol for life, between the dents of the bodies and moves so as not to drop the egg. Among these performances are, “The Egg” for which performers collaboratively explore the fragile relationship between the self and the others as well as the state of a body that does not destroy what is precious based on the rule: to lodge the raw egg, a symbol for life, between the dents of the bodies and to move so as not to drop it; and “Eggsercise” where the performer alone spends time trying not to drop the egg by holding it between the body and objects like walls, glass, or plants.

“I want to untangle ‘me’, the shell that has hardened as I live on my life. […] Bound by the egg, when we move within the small gaps, will we be able to accept one another without mistaking what is precious?” To poetically depict this emotion poured into the ephemeral and traceless performances in the form of a book, this volume is composed so the photographs and stills from video archives of the performances, installations, paintings, along with notes and drawings related to his works all fluently connect and resonate with each other. Ushered by images and words, this book follows Souen’s train of thought, exploring fundamental questions through the body.

“Is this a real egg? How do you continue the performance if you drop the egg?” When I met Soh Souen, this was the question that came out of me. But in reality, I wanted to ask “Why do you try to gently and intimately cradle this raw thing enveloped in a rigid shell with one or two performers?” I also wanted to say “I have never been loved by any person the way this egg is loved.” This is an expression so delicate it gradually breaks down as we attempt to put it into words. I want this book to be in the hands of many. ─ Chiharu Shiota (artist)

Pages: 96 + 24
Size: 210 x 148 mm
hardcover + softcover
Japanese, English

Published by torch press, 2024