[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)



(H {N)Y P N(Y} OSIS HYPOTHESIS / Philippe Parreno

現代のフランス美術を代表するアーティスト、フィリップ・パレーノ(Philippe Parreno)の作品集。



本書は、ハンス・ウルリッヒ・オブリスト(Hans Ulrich Obrist)らのキュレーションによって2015年にニューヨークの「Park Avenue Armory」で開催された「H {N)Y P N(Y} OSIS」展と、2015年にミラノの美術館「Pirelli HangarBicocca」で開催された「Hypothesis」展に伴い刊行されたもの。作者の作品の豪華かつ批評的な概観を収め、オブリストらによるインタビューを収録。現代アートシーンにおいて最も高い影響力とカリスマ性を有する作家のひとりである作者を研究するにあたり、極めて貴重な資料となる一冊である。

“The exhibition is conceived as a scripted space, like an automaton, producing different temporalities, a rhythm, an itinerary, and a duration. The visitor is guided through the spaces by the appearance and orchestration of sounds and images... a mental choreography.” – Philippe Parreno

Philippe Parreno is interested more in the dynamics of how a work of art is shown to the public than in its actual production, and in his films, installations, performances and texts, he subverts the codes normally applied to exhibition spaces. He places the construction of the exhibition at the heart of his process, approaching it through different formats and redefining the exhibition experience as a coherent object rather than as a collection of individual works.

Produced in conjunction with the H {N)Y P N(Y} OSIS exhibition – curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Alex Poots, with consulting curator Tom Eccles, in the spaces of the Park Avenue Armory in New York – and with Hypothesis – curated by Andrea Lissoni at Pirelli HangarBicocca in Milan – this monograph offers a rich critical overview of his work, with essays by Cyril Béghin, Molly Nesbit, Brian O’Doherty and Adam Thirlwell, and two interviews with Hans Ulrich Obrist and Andrea Lissoni.

It is thus an invaluable research tool for studying one of the most influential and charismatic figures on the contemporary art scene.

The curator, Larys Frogier, states: "Parreno invites visitors to engage with contradictory notions of the physical, emotional, and conceptual. He blurs the distinction between reality and fiction to create an all-encompassing world of endless possibilities". Frogier has also contributed a poem, "Vision," in this volume, echoing Parrreno's artistic research.

Pages: 364
Size: 170 x 240 mm
color, black and white

Published by MOUSSE PUBLISHING, 2017