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Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 嶌村吉祥丸 写真展「what is good?」(2024.10.4 Fri - 10.20 Sun)


Yale University Press

Beyond the abstract cabinet / El Lissitzky

状態: 古本のため経年並み。カバースレ、ヤケ。図版良好です。

ロシア出身のグラフィックデザイナー、ブックデザイナー、そしてロシア・アヴァンギャルドを代表する芸術家として広く知られているエル・リシツキー(El Lissitzky)の作品集。

本書は、1920年代から1930年代にかけて撮影された写真、フォトモンタージュ、グラフィック、展示デザインの実験など、過去に書籍化され分析されることのなかった作者の活動を中心に、リシツキーの後期マルチメディア作品の政治的、美学的側面の両方を探求しています。また、リシツキーと他の芸術家たちによる写真作品や、具象芸術の実験を予感させるリシツキーの初期の非対象芸術を紹介。リシツキーが欧米の同僚や妻ソフィー・キュッペルス(Sophie Kueppers)と交わした書簡も収録されています。

Lazar Markovich Lissitzky is widely known as a Russian avant-garde artist who made significant contributions to abstract art in the 1920s. Until now his experiments with photography, photomontage, and graphic and exhibition designs in the 1920s and throughout the 1930s have not been documented and thoroughly analyzed. This book explores both the political and aesthetic aspects of Lissitzky’s late multimedia work from his designs for the Abstract Cabinet to his death in 1941.

The author and the two contributors give special attention to Lissitzky’s intense collaboration first with German and then with Soviet photographers, designers, and filmmakers, and they discuss how his various personal friendships and acquaintances influenced the directions he took in photography and design. The book presents photographic works by Lissitzky and these other artists as well as some of Lissitzky’s early non-objective art that foreshadows his experiments in figurative art. It also includes Lissitzky’s correspondence with his Western colleagues and his wife Sophie Kueppers.

Pages: 239
Size: 270 x 305 mm    

published by Yale University Press, 1999