The Arizona Type Specimen is a five color, split-page, spiral-bound showcase of ABC Arizona. This new blue, green, purple, orange, and brown variation is the book's second edition, released in 2024.
Designed by Elias Hanzer, ABC Arizona is the first ever sans-to-serif Variable Font that packages its five looks — Serif, Text, Mix, Flare, and Sans — into one single file. This specimen celebrates Arizona’s countless combinations through its split structure. You can mix and match the half pages to discover the typeface family’s vast system, all while combining monster illustrations by Célestin Krier into your own frankenstein creations.
ABC Arizona is the first ever sans to serif “superfamily” that packages its five looks — Serif, Text, Mix, Flare, and Sans — into one single font file. In other words, it’s a slim, all-genres-in-one font happy-meal. Versatile and adjustable for any context.