[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

Exhibition|2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon






Design by @seri_tanaka


The exhibition hahanotomo will be held at Aohata from 8 Feb. At this exhibition, visitors can purchase all 12 issues published in the past year, from the April 2024 issue to the latest issue of hahanotomo, which will cease publication with the March 2025 issue. And also hold in their hands the hahanotomo ‘Gappon’ editions from 2000 to 2021, which have never been shown to the general public. The ‘Gappon’ is a collection of 12 issues from each year for the editorial archive, and shows the history of hahanotomo in each era alongside its readers (samples of the 24 issues from 2022 and 2023 are also available).

Also exhibited are silkscreen prints of all 24 cover illustrations of the magazine hahanotomo by illustrator Izumi Shiokawa. 

会場 本屋青旗
住所 福岡市中央区薬院3-7-15 2F
会期 2025年2月8日(土)ー3月3日(月)
開場 12:00ー19:00 / 水曜休

hahanotomo magazine
Venue: Ao-Hata Bookstore 2F 3-7-15 Yakuin Chuo-ku Fukuoka 8100022, Japan
Date: 8 February - 3 March 2025
Open: 12-7pm / closed on Wednesdays
*Temporary closed on 7 February