[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)



Spector Books

SEVEN THINGS / Anna Paul, Christian Hoffelner

オーストリア人アーティスト、アンナ・ポール(Anna Paul)の作品集。作者は、小麦粉と水、ガラスやワックスで作られたオブジェなど、日用品を用いて、人間の習慣に対する実験的で批評的、ユーモラスな視点を与える彫刻作品を制作しています。本書は、過去10年間に制作された250以上のオブジェを含む50のプロジェクトとエディションを収録。彼女の彫刻作品をAからZまでの不完全な百科事典の形でまとめられており、見慣れた景色に新鮮な視点を与え続ける作者の活動の多様性を見ることができます。

Bread as currency, bathing as politics, art as precarity or sausage as longing - Anna Paul's "Sieben Zwetschken" ("Seven Things") bring together her sculptures from A-Z in an incomplete compendium.
Selected works from the last ten years. Over this period, she has created 50 projects and editions with more than 250 individual objects.  In her artworks, Anna Paul creates a stimulating staging of the everyday, opening up a fresh perspective on human habits through her experimental and at the same time critical and humorous approach.
Analogous to the "Sieben Zwetschken" exhibition, the monograph takes the form of an incomplete encyclopedia and provides an insight into the diversity of her work. It assigns objects from her situational work to associative themes and, with texts by Christie Pearson, Katia Porro, Stefanie Sargnagel and Robert Walser, tells of objects and rituals, objects made of flour and water, glass or wax, of social structures and their possibilities for participation.

Pages: 224
Size: 190 x 270 mm

Published by Spector Books, 2024