[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: 母の友展 (2025.2.8 Sat - 3.3 Mon)



OTHERS : Segment 2, 3 / Ikuhisa Sawada and Marc Nagtzaam

写真家、澤田育久(Ikuhisa Sawada)とオランダのアーティスト、マーク・ナグザーム(Marc Nagtzaam)による作品集。



Standing in parallel with the first book of the OTHERS project, which saw two distant artists merge together as they travelled along crossing lines towards ends which were both shared and separate, this new book makes clear the relationship between these two ends, which were realized as two distant exhibitions, one in Tokyo and the other in Antwerp, built by each artist in isolation yet through the accumulating influence of the other, forming an intricate structure which spanned space and time.

The book as a single object is built through the combination of two intact distinct objects. These two objects differ in material and content, each representing one of the two exhibitions. Beginning as flat sheets, layer by layer these two objects are merged together in an alternating but random order. After being fully combined, these sheets are folded in half, and suddenly the two exhibitions become intertwined, juxtaposed and connected—transcending vast distance to reveal their existence as reflections of one another, walls blending together, lines drawn by different hands joining trajectories, like two parallel instances of the same state of being, the collaboration in visualized and made tangible.

OTHERS : The project comprises of three regional exhibitions and a series of publications that recreate the entire project in book form. The exhibitions were held in Tokyo (The White) in June of 2023, in Antwerp (FRED&FERRY) in September of the same year, and in Shanghai in November of 2024 (Archipelago Books).
The theme of the exhibition is communication through artwork and the resulting expansion of said artwork. For each exhibition, the artist will first send a piece of work to the other artist based in the respective city, who then interprets it and proposes a venue configuration. The plan is then shared among all participants. The exhibition space is constructed interactively, incorporating each artist's response, including adding new works and updates to the installation. By actively incorporating unexpected elements that arise between the artists and others, elements such as misunderstandings and discrepancies brought about by their interpretations, we hope that others will intrude into the work and that this will ultimately trigger an organic metamorphosis of the work that transcends the artist's original intentions.

Pages: 128
Size: 220 x 310 mm

Published by ori.studio, 2024