[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)




フランス人インテリアデザイナー、ピエール・ポラン(Pierre Paulin)とその妻マイア・ポラン(Maïa Paulin)の作品集。2024年10月から12月までパリの「Paulin, Paulin Paulin」で開催された展覧会に伴い刊行された。本展では、1950年代から1990年代までの作品が幅広く紹介されている。

リボンチェアRibbon Chair)」、モジュールソファ「デューンDune)」、ジョルジュ・ポンピドゥー大統領時代のエリゼ宮内にある大統領私邸の応接室「エリゼ・サロンÉlysée Salon)」などを筆頭とした代表的なデザインモデルを通じて、その時代を象徴する先見性の高い仕事を成した作者を紹介する必要は最早ないかもしれないが、妻であり共同経営者であったマイアの役割は注目すべきものである。対照的でありながらも補完し合う個性の同居による協力関係は、夫婦の歩んだ旅に不可欠であった。ピエールが身体にフィットするような独創的で座り心地の良いシートを創る一方で、マイアは人間関係の面で物事を「和らげ」、時に美味しい食事を囲みながら出会いを友好的に築き、仕事の機会を創造した。




While it is not longer necessary to introduce the French designer Pierre Paulin (1927-2009), whose visionary work marked his era through iconic models such as the Ribbon chair, the Dune module, or the design of the Élysée Salon during Georges Pompidou’s presidency, the role of his wife and associate Maïa deserved to be highlighted. The alliance of the contrasting yet complementary personalities was essential to the Paulin journey. While the designer created seats so ingenious and comfortable that they seemed molded to the body, Maïa ‘softened’ things on the relational front, creating friendly encounters and professional opportunities, often around a good meal.

From the worktable to the dining table and vice versa, these two poles always structured the Paulin’s daily life. Coffee tables, desks from which drawers were removed to transform them into dining tables, sculptural, rustic, or made of precious wood. Tables punctuated the creator’s journey based on demand, but also his personal evolution – creating legendary models such as the Cathédrale, Élysée, or Rosace designs. Whether drawn or set, star-shaped or casual, the tables of Pierre and Maïa were made to bring people together and create connections, fostering a sense of community. Each one speaks of the same attention to others, of rigor in execution but with a rejection of over-polish and an inherent knowledge of craftmanship.

This book illustrates an intimate portrait of Pierre and Maïa Paulin: Maïa’s recipes, photos of dinners organized by the couple are intertwined with Pierre’s sketches and photos of his creations, subtly emphasizing how their life journey and creative path were inseparable for the designer.

Les Tables de Maïa et Pierre Paulin will appeal to both design and interior enthusiasts, as well as those interested in lifestyle and gastronomy. The book’s release coincides with the exhibition Les Tables de Pierre Paulin, which will showcase a wide selection of his works from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Pages: 156
Size: 320 x 240 mm
color, black and white

published by PAULIN PAULIN PAULIN, 2024