[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Catchword | Shin Haeok / 12 COLORS MANIFESTO | Shin Donghyeok (2025.4.1 Tue - 4.22 Tue)



Roma Publications

BEWARE / Ari Marcopoulos

オランダ出身の写真家、アリ・マルコポロス(Ari Marcopoulos)の作品集。本書は、作者が1993年に制作したニューヨークのスケートボーダーを題材にした短編映画『Brown Bag』を撮影した当時の写真を、新たな視点で捉え直し一冊にまとめたもの。当時の写真を中心に構成しながら、1993年から2023年に撮影した近作も交え、当時の作品を現在の視点で再構築した出色の一冊です。パリ市立近代美術館で開催される展覧会「BEWARE」(2024年4月5日~8月25日)にあわせて刊行されたもの。カバーは黒い紙にシルバーインキ、本文はモノクロ・カラー。ブックデザインはRoma Publicationsのロジャー・ヴィレムス(Roger Willems)が担当しています。

This book is a new look at photographs from the time Marcopoulos shot Brown Bag, a short super-8 film of skateboarders in New York in 1993. The film, photographs from that time, plus a small selection of recent work, appear in this book, and as a large collage in the exhibition BEWARE at the Musée Art Moderne de Paris (April 5–August 25 2024). Design: Roger Willems. 

When the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris asked Ari Marcopoulos to curate an exhibition around their acquisition ‘Brown Bag’, a short film on skateboarders in New York that he made in 1993, he was given access to the museum’s collection of over 15,000 works. He looked for themes related to the body, injuries, and architecture, along with what he perceived as challenging and puzzling works. Some of the artists were already familiar, while others were new to him. The process was not so different from his process as a filmmaker and photographer: so much of his work is about finding things. This book is a new look at photographs from around the time Marcopoulos shot ‘Brown Bag’.

Pages: 320
Size: 160 x 220 mm
color, black and white

Published by Roma Publications, 2024
ISBN 9789464460575