[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)

[ 配送料 ] 合計11,000円(税込)以上で国内送料無料 でお届けします

Exhibition: Replica Goods (2025.3.8 Sat - 3.30 Sun)



鴉 RAVENS / Masahisa Fukase


深瀬昌久の作品『鴉』は、オリジナル版写真集の発刊から三十余年が経った現在、写真史における決定的な作品群のひとつに数えられると同時に、写真集の分野においても最高峰と評されている。しかし賞賛の数々と時の経過によって覆い隠され、置き去りになっていることがある。それは、深瀬がなぜ鴉というモチーフに執着したのか、という根本的な疑問を説明づける興味深い事実の断片だ。この鴉というモチーフは、彼が生涯を通して耐え続けた実存的苦悩と寂寥を反映したものであるというだけでなく、芸術の名の下において鴉に自身を重ね合わせることで寂寥を増幅させ、果てには狂気に満ちた芸術的表現へと陥らせるものであった。1992年、深瀬は行きつけのバーの階段から転落する。この後遺症によって自らの意識を彷徨わせることとなり、医学的に見ても孤立した状態を以後二十年間にわたって続けた。深瀬は自らが手にしたカメラによって囚われた一羽の鴉となり、その最も代表的な写真集の表紙に宿ることで不滅の存在となったのだ。- トモ・コスガ(収録エッセイ「孤独の叫び」より抜粋)

"Ravens is one of the defining bodies of work in the history of photography and a high point in the photo book genre. This accumulation of accolades, and the passing of time, have obscured much of the fascinating detail which explains the artist’s pre-occupation with this motif throughout his work. It was not simply a reflection of the existential angst and anhedonia he suffered throughout his life but manifested in artistic self-identification with the raven and ultimately spiralled into a solitary existence and artistic practice on the edge of madness. And all this before an untimely accident in 1992, a fall down the stairs of his favourite bar, resulted in him spending the final twenty years before his death with his consciousness suspended and in medical isolation. Fukase became the singular raven frozen by his camera and immortalized on the cover of his most famous book." -Tomo Kosuga from his essay Cries of Solitude [2017]

Consistently proclaimed as one of the most important photobooks in the history of the medium, Ravens by Japanese photographer Masahisa Fukase was first published in 1986 and the two subsequent editions were both short print runs that sold out immediately. This new edition edition contains a new text by Tomo Kosuga positioning the body of work in Fukase’s work and life, illustrated with numerous recently discovered photographs and drawings. Fukase’s haunting series of work was made between 1975 and 1986 in the aftermath of a divorce and was apparently triggered by a mournful train journey to his hometown. The coastal landscapes of Hokkaido serve as the backdrop for his profoundly dark and impressionistic photographs of ominous flocks of crows. The work has been interpreted as an ominous allegory for postwar Japan.

Pages: 136
Size: 263 x 263 mm
hardcover in a slipcase
black and white

published by Mack, 2017